

2011/05/19 16:42:11


#3387711 IP 92.129.*.* 修改過 2 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2011/05/19 16:42:11

發文IP 92.129.*.*

[b]Alonso extends contract with Ferrari[/b] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_413489.jpg[/img] Fernando Alonso has signed a new deal with Ferrari until the end of the 2016 season, extending his current contract with the Maranello-based squad by an extra four years. The Spaniard announced the agreement on Thursday, with the Oviedo-born man and his team-mate Felipe Massa opening a team store in Barcelona. "I am very happy to have reached this agreement," Alonso began. "I immediately felt comfortable within Ferrari and now it feels to me like a second family. "I have the utmost faith in the men and women who work in Maranello and in those who lead them: it is therefore natural for me to decide to extend my relationship in the long term like this, with a team at which I will no doubt end my Formula 1 career one day." Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo added: "It is a great pleasure to have renewed our agreement with a driver who has always demonstrated a winning mentality even in the most difficult circumstances. "Fernando has all the required qualities, both technically and personally to play a leading role in the history of Ferrari and I hope he will be enriching it with further wins very soon." http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/259930/alonso-extends-contract-with-ferrari/

2011/05/19 17:06:30

發文IP 92.129.*.*

[b]Alonso extends contract with Ferrari[/b] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_413489.jpg[/img] Fernando Alonso has signed a new deal with Ferrari until the end of the 2016 season, extending his current contract with the Maranello-based squad by an extra four years. The Spaniard announced the agreement on Thursday, with the Oviedo-born man and his team-mate Felipe Massa opening a team store in Barcelona. "I am very happy to have reached this agreement," Alonso began. "I immediately felt comfortable within Ferrari and now it feels to me like a second family. "I have the utmost faith in the men and women who work in Maranello and in those who lead them: it is therefore natural for me to decide to extend my relationship in the long term like this, with a team at which I will no doubt end my Formula 1 career one day." Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo added: "It is a great pleasure to have renewed our agreement with a driver who has always demonstrated a winning mentality even in the most difficult circumstances. "Fernando has all the required qualities, both technically and personally to play a leading role in the history of Ferrari and I hope he will be enriching it with further wins very soon." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  新浪體育訊 費爾南多-阿隆索宣布與法拉利F1車隊續約至2016年。   兩屆世界冠軍於2010年加盟法拉利,西班牙人在馬拉內羅的第一個賽季獲得年度亞軍。目前的合同將在2012年底到期。   “我非常高興達成這份協議。”阿隆索在續約聲明中說道,“從加盟法拉利的第一天開始,我就感覺到很舒服。現在,他就像我的第二個家庭。”   西班牙人重申會在法拉利終老,他說:“我對馬拉內羅工作的每一位男士和女士,以及他們的領導者擁有絕對的信心,因此對於我來講,續簽這樣的長約個自然的決定。我無疑有朝一日會在這裡結束我的F1生涯。”   (新浪F1頻道) http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2011-05-19/16305583587.shtml http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/259930/alonso-extends-contract-with-ferrari/

2011/05/19 17:06:56

發文IP 92.129.*.*

[b]Alonso extends contract with Ferrari[/b] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_413489.jpg[/img] Fernando Alonso has signed a new deal with Ferrari until the end of the 2016 season, extending his current contract with the Maranello-based squad by an extra four years. The Spaniard announced the agreement on Thursday, with the Oviedo-born man and his team-mate Felipe Massa opening a team store in Barcelona. "I am very happy to have reached this agreement," Alonso began. "I immediately felt comfortable within Ferrari and now it feels to me like a second family. "I have the utmost faith in the men and women who work in Maranello and in those who lead them: it is therefore natural for me to decide to extend my relationship in the long term like this, with a team at which I will no doubt end my Formula 1 career one day." Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo added: "It is a great pleasure to have renewed our agreement with a driver who has always demonstrated a winning mentality even in the most difficult circumstances. "Fernando has all the required qualities, both technically and personally to play a leading role in the history of Ferrari and I hope he will be enriching it with further wins very soon." http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/259930/alonso-extends-contract-with-ferrari/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  新浪體育訊 費爾南多-阿隆索宣布與法拉利F1車隊續約至2016年。   兩屆世界冠軍於2010年加盟法拉利,西班牙人在馬拉內羅的第一個賽季獲得年度亞軍。目前的合同將在2012年底到期。   “我非常高興達成這份協議。”阿隆索在續約聲明中說道,“從加盟法拉利的第一天開始,我就感覺到很舒服。現在,他就像我的第二個家庭。”   西班牙人重申會在法拉利終老,他說:“我對馬拉內羅工作的每一位男士和女士,以及他們的領導者擁有絕對的信心,因此對於我來講,續簽這樣的長約個自然的決定。我無疑有朝一日會在這裡結束我的F1生涯。”   (新浪F1頻道) http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2011-05-19/16305583587.shtml
Alonso extends contract with Ferrari

Fernando Alonso has signed a new deal with Ferrari until the end of the 2016 season, extending his current contract with the Maranello-based squad by an extra four years. The Spaniard announced the agreement on Thursday, with the Oviedo-born man and his team-mate Felipe Massa opening a team store in Barcelona.

"I am very happy to have reached this agreement," Alonso began. "I immediately felt comfortable within Ferrari and now it feels to me like a second family.

"I have the utmost faith in the men and women who work in Maranello and in those who lead them: it is therefore natural for me to decide to extend my relationship in the long term like this, with a team at which I will no doubt end my Formula 1 career one day."

Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo added: "It is a great pleasure to have renewed our agreement with a driver who has always demonstrated a winning mentality even in the most difficult circumstances.

"Fernando has all the required qualities, both technically and personally to play a leading role in the history of Ferrari and I hope he will be enriching it with further wins very soon."

 新浪體育訊 費爾南多-阿隆索宣布與法拉利F1車隊續約至2016年。










2011/05/19 17:20:12


#3387837 IP 243.83.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

T1 DNF(axz0975550126)

2011/05/19 17:32:55


#3387894 IP 240.105.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2011/05/19 17:37:45


#3387911 IP 250.147.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
2016 那時還有沒有f1 世界變的怎樣都不知道


2011/05/19 20:39:24


#3388238 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

難怪 土耳其站 馬薩臉色有夠難看,阿龍索延長合約的消息他應該很早就知道...😌



2011/05/19 22:31:30


#3388570 IP 246.161.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
讚!!!😊 續約到2016😍


2011/05/19 22:33:00


#3388579 IP 250.100.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 twsnake2003 (DR.Sue) 所寫



2011/05/19 22:34:47


#3388587 IP 250.100.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2011/05/20 00:29:13


#3388929 IP 250.118.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
所以我還要支持不是很喜歡的法拉拉到2016 ????😰







2011/05/20 00:39:02


#3388952 IP 242.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
美國Subaru推出25年式BRZ Series.Purple,採6速手排、專屬銀河珍珠紫車色塗裝、灰黑內裝佈局,限量500輛。
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