Alonso second Spanish driver in the Scuderia's history


2009/09/30 22:48:45


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Maranello, 30 September 2009 - The Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro chooses<br>for the second time in its history a Spanish driver. The first<br>Spanish Scuderia driver can be found in the years 1956 and 1957 when<br>Alfonso De Portago was called to race for the Prancing Horse together<br>with Peter Collins and Jose Froilan Gonzales.<br><br>Now it's the time of Fernando Alonso, born in Oviedo (Asturia) on 29<br>July 1981. After starting racing karts in Spain he became Minardi<br>test driver. In the year 1999 he debuted in the Formula 3000 and two<br>years later in the 2001 Australian Grand Prix in Formula 1, still with<br>Minardi.<br><br>The following year he became Renault test driver and official driver<br>in the year 2003, gaining his first pole position (Malaysian GP) and<br>his first victory (Hungarian GP).<br>With Renault Alonso became World Champion in the years 2005 and 2006.<br><br>At the Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro Alonso will find Marc Genè, test<br>driver since 2005.<br><br>Ferrari's connection with Spain has a victorious history: 11 in the<br>history of the Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro, 12 pole positions and 14<br>fastest race laps as well as 30 places on the podium.<br><br>官網的消息,ALO確定加入法拉拉!<br>大部分的網站都說合約是簽三年...<br>跟原本預期的五年有些落差!<br>不管如何...法拉拉既然已經提前研發2010年的車!<br>那ALO在悶了兩年後也該有一台具有競爭力的車了吧!<br>雖然以前很討厭他,但這兩年看他那麼拚,而且個性也改變不少!<br>真的越來越喜歡他了!<br>沒有意外的話KIMI會重回麥隊,希望他也能在麥隊拿一個世界冠軍吧!<br>畢竟先前麥隊已經欠他兩個了,回來拿一個也不過分吧!哈!<br>不過看了KIMI的回應,還真的有點感傷...<br>Kimi said: "I am very sad to be leaving a team with <br>which I have spent three fantastic years.
I don&#39;t need sex. The government is fuck me every day!





2009/09/30 22:54:20


#1429458 IP 246.161.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
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