X Prize 綠能車大賽 入圍者再減半


2009/10/27 09:55:12


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Auto X Prize Cuts Green-Car Contest Pool in Half


為促進新一代綠能車發展,高達1000萬美元獎金的紐約高效率能源賽車大賽XPrize 主辦單位,10/19日又嚴格選出一半的入賽者進入第三階段的審核,這些合格的菁英團隊包括知名的印度汽車大廠Tata汽車公司、以科技研發見長的康奈爾大學工程學系學生團隊等,競爭之激烈可想見一斑。

NEW YORK (AP)-The organizer of a $10 million contest to develop next-generation green vehicles said Monday it narrowed down its list of competitors by half, with qualifying teams ranging from Indian car giant Tata Motors to a team of Cornell University engineering students.


The Progressive Automotive X Prize said it has trimmed its pool of contestants to 43 teams from 10 countries who passed a vehicle design phase. The teams submitted a total of 53 vehicles. They now move to a performance and safety testing phase, with the winner to be announced next September.

高效率能源賽車大賽XPrize的 $1000萬美元獎金,將頒發給最後選出的最實用及最具量產效能的綠能車團隊,這部優勝車輛至少每加侖油可跑100英里,或是同等環保效能的車輛。

The Automotive X Prize will award $10 million to teams that develop viable, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 miles per gallon or the equivalent efficiency. Its organizer, the X Prize Foundation, is best known for the Ansari X Prize, which led to the first manned private spaceflight in 2004 and is also sponsoring contests in genomics, health care and a moon landing.

主辦單位XPrize基金會,最有名的事蹟是2004年為激勵太空旅遊舉辦的Ansari XPrize,1000萬美元獎金頒給了首度由人駕駛的私人太空飛機”太空船一號Spaceship One”,該基金會同時也贊助基因體學、醫療保健和登陸月球的比賽。

The remaining teams in the Automotive X Prize, several of which gathered at the Classic Car Club in downtown Manhattan Monday, are submitting a range of vehicles powered by different fuel types. Tata's entry is a battery-powered electric vehicle. The team of Cornell students entered a hybrid diesel-electric race car, while other teams submitted vehicles powered by biofuels, gasoline and other fuels.


''The teams and vehicles represented in this group are the most viable in our competition and we believe that together they are positioned to make a huge impact on the automotive marketplace,'' said Peter Diamandis, X Prize CEO and Chairman, in a statement.

XPrize總裁兼主席彼得. 戴爾曼得斯(Peter Diamandis)在聲明稿中表示:「 這次選出的團隊,表示他們的高效率能源車是最可行的,並且我們相信這些團隊和車輛將會對當今的汽車市場帶來巨大的衝擊。」

The prize purse is split into two categories: mainstream and alternative cars. Mainstream cars must carry four or more passengers, have four wheels and come with creature comforts like climate control and audio systems. Alternative vehicles have less stringent requirements.


The prize purse is split into two categories: mainstream and alternative cars. Mainstream cars must carry four or more passengers, have four wheels and come with creature comforts like climate control and audio systems. Alternative vehicles have less stringent requirements.

這次主流車類別有28隊進入賽事, 替代車則有25隊入賽, 以下是入賽團隊及入賽車的介紹。

Of the vehicles moving to the next phase, 28 are in the mainstream class and 25 in the alternative class.

先勁科技(APET-X) 是亞洲唯一進入主流賽的團隊。我們的重心是加強汽車的效能, 是一部成本及售價非常競爭的車輛。 我們是整合香港、臺灣和中國的精英以達成最低廉的價位。

Team APET-X is the only team from Asia participating in the Mainstream competition. We focused on making a highly efficient, yet very competitive vehicle in terms of costs and selling price. We achieved this by integrating a great team from the Greater China regions of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China, gathering the best human resources with the lowest possible price available.

我們自創品牌 “Salamander” 是用鎳氫電池的電動車, 我們利用高效率放電可允許我們置入更多的能源,無需冒爆炸或過度加熱之險。 我們的馬達是超越94%的超高效,並且,沒有因電能轉動而帶來太多的耗損。只要風扇即可幫馬達冷卻,大大地減少因要運載水冷却系統的重量。

Our own branded Salamander NIMH prismatic battery allows us to pack as much energy as we can with high C rate discharge, without running the risk of explosion and over-heating. Our motor is super efficient at over 94%, and without much loss from electricity to movement, the motor can be cooled by a fan only, greatly reducing the weight for carrying a water cooling system.

我們設計控制電池的平衡器是獨一無二的。 利用電池的控制器, 系統能「自然地」平衡電池的反常性。 我們的電控系統是用LINUX來寫的,允許開放來源系統的操作來創造汽車特有的編製程序。 另外,因為這樣開放來源系統,未來所有元組件供應者皆能提供給APET-X的車種。

Our design controlling the battery’s balance is unique. By applying the monitoring of the cell next to it, the system can “naturally” balance out the battery's abnormality. Our CANBUS is written by LINUX, allowing open source operators to create their own programming for their cars. In addition, with such open source system, all component providers can supply to future APET-X car owners.



