


2012/05/17 12:44:49


#4245511 IP 242.44.*.* 修改過 3 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/05/17 12:44:49

發文IP 242.44.*.*

[quote=kevinni (niba)]"everybody knows Prost by now he always complaining,its either the Tyres,the balance of the car, the Race track,the mechanics its never his fualt"- Aryton Senna(German GP 1991) 請對號入座[嘆氣] 真正偉大的車手, 可以把一樣差的兵器發揮到最好...[/quote] 贊成好的車手可以把每一種車況發揮極限,但抱怨歸抱怨,這是人之常情 "Having joined the Williams-Renault team, had been complaining about his car. It failed him in two earlier races. He doesn't like the steering or the suspension. Experts later suggested the crash was due to mechanical failure."

2012/05/17 12:44:49

發文IP 242.44.*.*

[quote=kevinni (niba)]"everybody knows Prost by now he always complaining,its either the Tyres,the balance of the car, the Race track,the mechanics its never his fualt"- Aryton Senna(German GP 1991) 請對號入座[嘆氣] 真正偉大的車手, 可以把一樣差的兵器發揮到最好...[/quote] 贊成好的車手可以把每一種車況發揮極限,但抱怨歸抱怨,這是人之常情 "Having joined the Williams-Renault team, had been complaining about his car. It failed him in two earlier races. He doesn't like the steering or the suspension. Experts later suggested the crash was due to mechanical failure."

2012/05/17 12:46:09

發文IP 242.44.*.*

[quote=kevinni (niba)]"everybody knows Prost by now he always complaining,its either the Tyres,the balance of the car, the Race track,the mechanics its never his fualt"- Aryton Senna(German GP 1991) 請對號入座[嘆氣] 真正偉大的車手, 可以把一樣差的兵器發揮到最好...[/quote] 贊成好的車手可以把每一種車況發揮極限,但抱怨歸抱怨,這是人之常情 "Having joined the Williams-Renault team, had been complaining about his car. It failed him in two earlier races. He doesn't like the steering or the suspension. Experts later suggested the crash was due to mechanical failure." -by BY ROGER EBERT

2012/05/17 12:50:09

發文IP 242.44.*.*

[quote=kevinni (niba)]"everybody knows Prost by now he always complaining,its either the Tyres,the balance of the car, the Race track,the mechanics its never his fualt"- Aryton Senna(German GP 1991) 請對號入座[嘆氣] 真正偉大的車手, 可以把一樣差的兵器發揮到最好...[/quote] 贊成好的車手可以把每一種車況發揮極限,但抱怨歸抱怨,這是人之常情 "Having joined the Williams-Renault team, had been complaining about his car. It failed him in two earlier races. He doesn't like the steering or the suspension. Experts later suggested the crash was due to mechanical failure." -by BY ROGER EBERT 如果Williams當初有確實修正方向盤過重的問題,Senna或許就...

2012/05/17 12:50:54

發文IP 242.44.*.*

[quote=kevinni (niba)]"everybody knows Prost by now he always complaining,its either the Tyres,the balance of the car, the Race track,the mechanics its never his fualt"- Aryton Senna(German GP 1991) 請對號入座[嘆氣] 真正偉大的車手, 可以把一樣差的兵器發揮到最好...[/quote] 贊成好的車手可以把每一種車況發揮極限,但抱怨歸抱怨,這是人之常情 "Having joined the Williams-Renault team, had been complaining about his car. It failed him in two earlier races. He doesn't like the steering or the suspension. Experts later suggested the crash was due to mechanical failure." -by BY ROGER EBERT 如果Williams當初有確實修正轉向的問題,Senna或許就...
回應 kevinni (niba) 所寫
"everybody knows Prost by now he always complaining,its either the Tyres,the balance of the car, the Race track,the mechanics its never his fualt"- Aryton Senna(German GP 1991)


真正偉大的車手, 可以把一樣差的兵器發揮到最好...


"Having joined the Williams-Renault team, had been complaining about his car. It failed him in two earlier races. He doesn't like the steering or the suspension. Experts later suggested the crash was due to mechanical failure." -by BY ROGER EBERT

鴻華先進法說會透露北美版Model C預計2025年北美推出。此外量產版Model B車系也預計將在2025年第二季末上市。