

2000/10/25 12:31:10


#4163 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
請問Henrymx6或其他厲害的前輩,要把一般的燈換成HID是不是要另接電源出來,會不會對車有任何影響呢??<br>Henrymx6,我想換一台LS先來玩玩,換個HID的燈,因為我已把我原來車的CD-Changer拔下來了,如果要換其他車還要再買其他工具,反正只是暫時的車,開開就好啦~~<br>再請問Integra,LS和你的RS有啥不同呢??我查一下好像是一樣的馬力,還是配備不同呢??之前的事很對不起,說真的還要叫你一聲學長,所以還請多包含 ^^<br>想開開LS看到底有啥不同,呵呵~~<br>





2000/10/25 21:01:40


#4203 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
換HID是要加線組, 價格2萬多, 有什麼
影響? 影響大概就是有點貴, 有點亮..


2000/10/26 00:19:52


#4218 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Why did you say sorry to me?
I just come here for share opinion ma. That's it!...^_^
About HID. Man!!! It's so cool.I love it,but I don't have money to get one...>_<
It costs US$925~1000, so so expensive. I think that you can order the real HID from Acura, but it may more expensive than aftermarket's. Of course, Acura's HID is better. The Acura worker should know how to put it on.
I have seen Integra with HID once in Orlando and some Civic. Man!!! Cool!!!
I just got the super blue light. It's enough for me lo...^^


2000/10/26 00:27:45


#4219 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
I don't know about LS or RS. My cars are ZX and MX6...^^ Sorry la I am not trying to show off la.
Integra 140hps and 170hps
Typer 195hps...right?
All of them are good! Integra is a nice car !!!...^0^


2000/10/26 03:39:45


#4231 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2000/10/26 03:42:11


#4232 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Integra中只有GS-R是170匹的,LS和RS 都是140,但我不太清楚LS和RS有啥不同....,Type-R就是195匹啦~~應該是這樣吧,我也不太清楚~~

Red Comet(char)

2000/10/26 11:55:19


#4245 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Yo, IntegraR and Henrymx6:

HID is awesome for the luxury car, but if you want to replace HID on your normal car, you will have a bunch of problems later. First of all, The HID is using high watts from your battery so the life of your car's battery won't last for too long. And secondary, MX-6 with a HID is kind of making me sick, It is just a old car, why do you want to makt it to be a luxury car anyway. And to Henrymx6, it is great to have two sports cars at the same time, but I want to ask you what years are those, and how much are they? Don't fool me, I guess you bought a cheap price for a old junk from a tiny used car company~~
And the answer to IntegraR, RS does not have fancy equipments to keep the car heavy, it does not equip with moonroof and cruise control. RS is lighter, but with the same hp as LS, GS, it is quicker than both of those. But RS is discontinued since 98. I also saw your some messages here the other day, you had a fight with a guy in FL. You have a Type-R, but so what, it is still a little Integra~ I have a black 99 NSX-T in CA, and it has 100 more hp than your little Integra! Y ou want to race with me, huh?? I agree with that Integra guy, you are not from Yale, even my UCLA does not have a garbage like you! Shame on you, dude~! Acura is a luxury performance car company, and so I hope Acura will make a better Integra next year so guys like you won't show off their toy cars anymore~! And by the way, my NSX can buy you 4 Type-R!!


2000/10/26 12:12:13


#4246 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Hi,同學,or學長,你開NSXㄚ,看來加州果然有很多好車,關於HID,我只是覺得很漂亮,我也曉得要從電瓶另接電線出去,但我想知道的是對車會不會有不好的影響呢??嗯,關於學校,我想讀工科,你的UCLA是比我強多啦,但我就是在Yale,且這不是重點,只是INTEGRA問,我就回答,在這是討論車,不是學校,我是大一,來這沒多久.再說說你的NSX,嗯,真的是很棒的車,但你會開那上學嗎??我是指有沒有實用性呢??就像S2000也很棒,但不實用,我本身不是專門玩車,一個住也不用開太炫的車,所以選Type-R,我承認我本身對車懂不多,畢竟我才19歲,也不是專門在玩車,但我不懂為什麼很多在美國讀書的人口氣都要這麼嗆呢??你的NSX很棒,你的UCLA工科比Yale好,一台NSX可以買"5"台Type-R,但請發表對題目有幫助的答案,還是謝謝你一些建議.謝謝囉~~ ^^


2000/10/26 12:43:24


#4249 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
hi,對啦,再請問一下,你開NSX嘛,我所知NSX有NSX-T和NSX,有啥不同呢??還有ㄚ,Acura的CL和TL都RL都用HID,NSX是不是也用呢??我只在白天看過NSX在路上,到也沒在晚上看過,所以不曉得,另外NSX的型也很久了,啥時要換型呢??我總覺得Acura雖然是Honda的高檔貨,但為什麼一般市面水準就不如Lexus呢??一說TL和LS430差不多等級吧,但價錢就差這麼多,也只有玩車的曉得Acura的引擎有多好,但一般人的想法中Lexus就是比較高檔,氣死我了...另外不曉得你開起NSX感覺如何??Type-R好像在Acura中比較有名,這也是為什麼當初我選Type-R,但當然啦,NSX是當家跑車是不用懷疑啦,但看一般雜誌甚少有在比較NSX和其他同種車,為什麼呢???既是Acura當家跑車,怎麼不多報導一點呢??想你開NSX一定對這都很懂吧,小弟謝謝你囉 ^^


2000/10/26 12:57:41


#4251 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
To the person who own NSX:
It's so good to own a nice sport car, right? Man! NSX! I am not that rich like you. Maybe, I should say my father isn't that rich like yours...^^ My 91 ZX US$10500 used and 94 MX6 US$7900. Both of them are used and kind of old...^^ everybody knows. I didn't put HID on my car la...too expensive for me. I put the blue light. Just want to look special...^^ If it makes you sick, just go to see doctor...^0^ Kidding! There are more and more aftermarkets sell HID. Everybody can get one if you have money. Money money- you insurance should be high to die, right! I am interested about it. NSX go!!!


2000/10/26 21:41:27


#4296 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
To the guy who owns NSX. You wrote that you agree with that Integra guy. However, I don't think that he gonna agree with you! You just came here first time and told everyone that your school is UCLA, your car is NSX, and yours is the best! That's right! It's pretty cool. How about tell us your address or your father's name. Don't let everybody misunderstand the Taiwanese students in America just like that proud, and racing all the time. I really don't want to let me see you on newspaper someday!
PS. A piece of news last year:
A UCLA Taiwanese student who drove his F355 to school got killed in the evening...>< I am sorry about it...


2000/10/26 22:40:07


#4304 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Hi NSX man:
My friend also wants to get one NSX. Maybe, you can teach everybody how to get one. Study harder, work harder, or pray harder to the parents buy you one ... Could you tell us, please please? Let the NSX lovers, my friend, and me know that own a NSX isn't a dream anymore! NSX go!!!

Red Comet(char)

2000/10/27 00:37:24


#4326 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Answer to IntegraR,

My NSX-T uses HID, and the light is bright and blue. NSX-T is a little bit heavier than NSX because it has a removeable hard top. I was the first one on the waiting list in 98, so I finally got my NSX-T in 99, and there is not many colors to choose from. Acura is a "luxury performance car company", but there are only two good engines so far, one is in your Integra, and one is in my NSX. 3.2TL is the same level with ES300 and GS300, and Acura will have a V8 RL in the show room after next year to compete with LS430. The style of my NSX has been about 10 years, it will have a sharper look for next year's model.About the school, I am almost graduated, and I am in engineering, too. I know the rank, even that University of South Florida's engineering school is better than Yale's. So don't be too proud of yourself at all.

to Henrymx6,

I see, you and your friend are jealous? Let me tell you how to get a nice car like mine. Firstable, study hard, make a 4.0 GPA and get the scholarships. Secondary, you need to have a good family who can support you. My family bought the car for my 21 birthday, but I earn the insurance by myself. Compare to the car price in Taiwan, NSX here is not that expensive, but you have to make your family to be proud of you, and let them think it is worth it. Can you afford the insurance of 3000 dollars for half of a year?

Usually in LA, I am a very good driver because I don't race with toy cars. I don't want to risk my life with those trash. I compete with cars like Porsch 911, Lotus Espirit, and Ferrari 355. I always show them what a Japanese super car is like~~ But I find them once in a while, and sometimes, they don't want to drive crazy because our cars are expensive. But some BMW junks like to piss me on the road. My buddies call me the BMW Killer~ BMW sucks, they are always overpriced and lack of tastes. Once there was a M3 who tried to beat me up, but I tailgated him on the highway, when the road is open, both of our cars accelerated at the same time, I kicked down the shift to the 3rd gear, and rpm went all the way to 8000, I was stock in my seat, and that BMW shit could not even see my tail light~~


2000/10/27 05:20:59


#4339 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
哇,照你這樣說,所有Acura的車都用HID囉,除了Integra以外......,太不公平啦.....,且我想問你關於Acura的問題,你會不會感覺Acura的市場價值沒有Lexus高呢??我想有吧,為什麼ㄋ??論性能,Acura絕對比較好,論品質,我就不信Acura不能做到,但總覺得Acura的車就沒Lexus有水準......還有NSX已10年啦,這麼久,那引擎是10年前就用現在的引擎嗎??還是中間有換過,但外表沒改,要是沒換過的話,那Acura在10年前就能做出這麼好的引擎也太厲害啦~~再說學校,嗯,我想你的訊息有點錯喔,UCLA是比Yale的工科強多啦,但那所University of South Florida可就差遠啦,可以到USNEWS去看看,看大學部工程學院排名囉~~但我還是很佩服你,你的GPA可以拿到4.0!!!!太猛啦,有沒有從修的ㄚ,呵呵~~,不然每科要A,四年都要A,又在UCLA這種top的學校,那你真厲害囉~~,但我在美國所有的開銷也是我自己賺的,靠獎學金,哈,那點錢能幹啥,從學費,吃,住,車,所有東東我都自己玩股票賺來的,雖然GPA只有3.33,但我從不讓我父母擔心我在這,是我選擇自己來的,不想讓他們付擔這的錢.你一年保險要6000ㄚ!!!,NSX果然保費高....,其實你說的很對,你只會想和F355和P911玩,但又能玩啥呢??碰一下就吐血了,我們又沒有錢像一個車隊,玩速度,在一般道路開快就是沒品的駕駛人,那開F355又有啥用呢??唉....,心中的矛盾ㄚ,對啦,想問你一件事,你說你是BMW殺手,我同意BMW都是overprice,那想請問你有沒有和850尬過呢??雖然已停產,但感覺還是一台很不一樣的車,不曉得和NSX比如何,所以NSX>M3,那NSX?BMW850,你覺得呢??我對車不是很懂,還請你多指教囉~~

Red Comet(char)

2000/10/27 08:57:38


#4350 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
To IntegraR,

Sorry man, I was wrong. I just checked the US NEWS, and that USF is far behind from ours, but that university only has 50 years of history though. We should not underlook other people, maybe they are good students in unfamous colleges. By the way, engineering is tough, I have to go back and study for my exam now. And for your question, go to www.acura.com, then you will find out.


2000/10/28 12:04:04


#4481 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Škoda推出概念車型Enyaq RS Race,外觀上有著誇張空氣力學套件,並導入了永續材質來打造,並且做了輕量化工程。
Mini帶來新一代Mini Cooper Convertible,延續三門和五門的設計元素,車型上共有3種版本,皆搭載2.0升渦輪動力。