i think 6 speed is not really need and price is about 4000 NZ dollars different.the speed over 150 for Twim cam is all the same, so i think i dont need the 6th gear. and i've installed a supercharger, 6speed,八假的 type R 也吃屎,我是只在motorway上
to XYZ: i used to read Hot4 and Performance every month...i lived in Mt. Albert near by St Lukes...and you?.. i came back Taipei on last Friday and i work for my father..are you still in NZ, take care,bro....studing is very hard... a little gift for you...email me..i will give a phone number to you....you can get any cheaper car stuff from this guy in NZ...very cheap..i just bought two 12 inch sony subs brand new for NZ$ 100 before i came back.... contact me if you need..
to Integra: 其實我選擇左駕skyline的原因是因為操控性跟4WD or FR(我對新SKYLINE沒概念), 有沒有原廠TURBO對我來講不是很重要,我的打算是在台灣找到好的技師再IMPORT 一顆T3 Turbo 跟電腦控制系統,其他的零件應該在台灣可以買到,3000 c.c加 TURBO 350hp~380hp我想應該夠我用了,跑直線的話應該沒什麼對手了,除非遇到怪物 還有我想請問一下在美國上市的價位大概是多少,我想了解一下,還有在台灣排氣管的合法標準是多少 多謝多謝
機切增壓,你只的應該是supercharge,一般來講supercharge跟普通的T1 turbocharger差不多,如果是全新的話還好,中古的話保養起來很麻煩,而且聲音很大聲,不好聽,但我很想知道安裝要多少錢(包括安裝費) 在Auckland,有一台白色Levin Ae101,supercharger plus intercooler,有興趣的人可以去這兩個改車雜誌的網站找找看http://www.hot4s.com/comp/skate.htm http://www.performancecar.co.nz/default.asp 我有帶一些紐澳的汽車雜誌回來,有興趣的人可以跟我說,我在掃給大家看,介紹的車子大致上有 SIK Silvia 200sx,Honda integra turbo+nos,skyline R33(by HKS) ,honda civic type R turbo(白色零改),WRX Sti 550hp,RX7(改的很誇張,我覺得車主是個瘋子), Evo系列 1~7