[轉貼]紐維客串參賽撞車進醫院 F1大師並無大礙虛驚一場
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天阿,這麼一撞,這對於紅牛下半季研發能力會不會...,搞不好空力套件越改越..... 對於廣大紅軍迷來說不定是反撲的契機 | |||
應該還好啦, 個人覺得紅牛不要動設計都可以一直領跑到年底... (俺的龍哥哥呀~) 😌
(其實也可以提前研發明年的車子了, 因為... 今年已經無敵ㄌ...) 😇
他一火大 說這什麼爛車
下壓力 那麼差
也設計出一台 超級超跑
下壓力 那麼差
也設計出一台 超級超跑
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他一火大 說這什麼爛車 下壓力 那麼差 也設計出一台 超級超跑 如果一開始拿桿位就沒事了 | |||
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紅牛車隊技術總監艾德裡安-紐維在今天參加英國房車賽墊場賽中撞車受傷被送往醫院。紐維只是收到一些震盪,並無大礙。 F1進入為期三週的夏休期,車隊工廠也按照規則必須關門停工。紅牛車隊賽車設計師紐維以「客座車手」的身份參加了本週末在Snetterton賽道舉行的一場英國房車錦標賽(BTCC)的墊場賽,名為Ginetta G50比賽。 紐維駕駛一輛Ginetta G50賽車,防禦對手失控後被後面一輛賽車撞倒,比賽因為這次事故而被出示紅旗提前終止。紐維被急救隊員抬出賽車後放上擔架,並被送往醫院做檢查。據悉紐維身體只是收到一些震盪,並無大礙,送往醫院只是做一些預防性檢查。 2006年紐維參加勒芒耐力賽時也以撞車而結束。看來這位神奇的賽車天才設計師並不是一位好的車手。 Adrian Newey's Facebook | |||
好評+1 LEE大好厲害連Newey放假參加比賽都找出來了.這車好可愛.辨識度很高😍
Ginetta Cars was founded in 1958 by the four Walklett brothers (Bob, Ivor, Trevers and Douglas)
in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. The cars are currently (2008) made in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
The first car, not destined for production,
which subsequently became known as the G1 was based on a pre war Wolseley Hornet.
[1] From their original base, the company moved to Witham,
Essex in 1962 and between 1972 and 1974 operated from larger premises in Sudbury,
Suffolk before returning to Witham where they remained until 1989.
Under the Walkletts, Trevers was mainly responsible for styling, Ivor for engineering,
Douglas, management and Bob sales.
The company enjoyed 31 years of solvent trading without any Government handouts
and under the skilful leadership of Bob Walklett the company
always adapted to suit the economic conditions of the day.
Following the retirement of the Walkletts in 1989 the company was sold
but failed and was then bought by an international group of enthusiasts
and based in Sheffield and run by managing director Martin Phaff producing the G20 and G33.
In late 2005 Ginetta was acquired by LNT Automotive,
a company run by Yorkshire businessman and racing car driver
Lawrence Tomlinson and in mid 2007 Ginetta moved to an enlarged factory near
Leeds to replace the Sheffield works with a target to sell 300 cars a year.
Ginetta Cars was founded in 1958 by the four Walklett brothers (Bob, Ivor, Trevers and Douglas)
in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. The cars are currently (2008) made in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
The first car, not destined for production,
which subsequently became known as the G1 was based on a pre war Wolseley Hornet.
[1] From their original base, the company moved to Witham,
Essex in 1962 and between 1972 and 1974 operated from larger premises in Sudbury,
Suffolk before returning to Witham where they remained until 1989.
Under the Walkletts, Trevers was mainly responsible for styling, Ivor for engineering,
Douglas, management and Bob sales.
The company enjoyed 31 years of solvent trading without any Government handouts
and under the skilful leadership of Bob Walklett the company
always adapted to suit the economic conditions of the day.
Following the retirement of the Walkletts in 1989 the company was sold
but failed and was then bought by an international group of enthusiasts
and based in Sheffield and run by managing director Martin Phaff producing the G20 and G33.
In late 2005 Ginetta was acquired by LNT Automotive,
a company run by Yorkshire businessman and racing car driver
Lawrence Tomlinson and in mid 2007 Ginetta moved to an enlarged factory near
Leeds to replace the Sheffield works with a target to sell 300 cars a year.
來自英國的車廠Ginetta你可能比較陌生,不過他可是有著多年的造車歷史,從1958年就開始,他們最擅長用手工製作頂級跑車。在2005年被LNT汽車公司收購,由著名賽車手Lawrence Tomlinson.運營,全新的車型Ginetta G50將融合多種風格,包括跑車和GT4賽車的元素,從而形成強悍的車型。
這款車將採用輕量化的碳纖維打造,並採用Ford Edge與Taurus車款所使用的3.5升V6引擎,中置引擎設計,最大馬力達到300匹,而車身重量只有500公斤,速度之快不言而喻!
馬力300匹 車重500斤 售價3萬5千英鎊. CP值破表..
這款車將採用輕量化的碳纖維打造,並採用Ford Edge與Taurus車款所使用的3.5升V6引擎,中置引擎設計,最大馬力達到300匹,而車身重量只有500公斤,速度之快不言而喻!
馬力300匹 車重500斤 售價3萬5千英鎊. CP值破表..
F1進入為期三週的夏休期,車隊工廠也按照規則必須關門停工。紅牛車隊賽車設計師紐維以「客座車手」的身份參加了本週末在Snetterton賽道舉行的一場英國房車錦標賽(BTCC)的墊場賽,名為Ginetta G50比賽。
紐維駕駛一輛Ginetta G50賽車,防禦對手失控後被後面一輛賽車撞倒,比賽因為這次事故而被出示紅旗提前終止。紐維被急救隊員抬出賽車後放上擔架,並被送往醫院做檢查。據悉紐維身體只是收到一些震盪,並無大礙,送往醫院只是做一些預防性檢查。
Adrian Newey's Facebook