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其實....起跑時VET也有點蛇行防守,不過FIA沒抓 套句HAM講的"這就是賽車" | |||
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笑翻了😆 Petrov:給我吸一下你的真空帶😠😠😠 小黑:不要😝😝😝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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小黑是因為多次變線 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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恩!記得嘴角擦一擦😆 我先睡囉! 晚安囉!😴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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什麼阿~ 我朋友有養刺蝟~很乖的呢~ 只要不鬧牠😆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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不喜歡貓😴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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我母親,我老婆和我的共識😆 | ||||||||||||
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以學生來說用k810i算不錯了啦😭 | ||||||||||||
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正常! 身高差這麼多,能躲的掉也可以進NBA了,印象中NBA最矮的球星好像是16幾 | ||||||||||||
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也就是說2011 F1開幕站又變成澳大利亞囉?😴 | |||
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SE W610 2007 年 4 月 3 日上市的😇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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不理他了 他看習慣馬賽克... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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這裡神人很多😆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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woo大大的趴傻~😊 偶粗企.............................................😆 | ||||||||||||
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Official: Bahrain Grand Prix postponed Officials at the Sakhir International Circuit have announced that the season-opening Bahrain Grand Prix has been cancelled as a result of the current political unrest in the country. With the statement having come from the country’s Royal family, the final pre-season Formula 1 test session has also been called off. The 2011 season will now begin two weeks later, in Australia on 27 March. Talk of Bahrain has very much overshadowed the last four days’ of testing in Barcelona, with the majority of drivers having expressed their fears for the event and Formula 1 commercial rights holder Bernie Ecclestone having placed its destiny in the hands of the Royal family. ‘Bahrain International Circuit announces Bahrain’s withdrawal from the first race of the F1 season,’ reads the track’s official Twitter feed. ‘HRH Crown Prince informed Formula One’s Bernie Ecclestone of the BIC’s decision by telephone earlier today.’ “We felt it was important for the country to focus on immediate issues of national interest,” the Crown Prince commented.” The statement continued: ‘At the present time the country’s entire attention is focused on building a new national dialogue for Bahrain.’ It is likely that the race will be placed further down the calendar, possibly becoming Round 18 between India and Abu Dhabi. Today's news marks the first date change for a Grand Prix since Belgium 1985, when the Spa track surface was breaking up. http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/253217/official-bahrain-grand-prix-postponed/ | |||
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我說我手機的😭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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我是買有線電視的😇😰 不看電視光用電腦畫質就差了一些些😇 | ||||||||||||
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176*220😇 | ||||||||||||
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沒用😭 畫面原本是主機直接連到螢幕 現在透過電視盒就變差了 😇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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應該是五代的三門1.6才有115匹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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看來水肥業是繼營造業後,台灣又一欣欣向榮的行業,都是拜優卡國的有錢大老所賜 😍😍 | |||
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這棟樓的廁所塞爆了 😆😆 有錢人、窮人都在搶😝 | ||||||||||||
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填海就算了,還先灌漿 😰😰😰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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每次間隔需30分中休息 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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散大最近在開發新的案子,叫做 "填海造陸"...... 您還敢去攔嗎?😰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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(舉手)是九次還是九下😆😆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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的確不是...😌 小弟不過是一個以拾荒度日的窮苦人😭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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難怪表哥都跟別人說他一晚最少可以九次😆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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偶要跟偶老大嗚嗚說😭😭 | ||||||||||||
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您是說小姐口中含著的那些小費嗎😊 | ||||||||||||
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躺著也中槍 可能肚子太高了😇 | |||
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但是事實是,眼下大家都想去紅牛。。。 | ||||||||||||
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😆以前阿龍索真的跟紅軍槓上了.. 😇換各方面想,丹尼斯先是遇到洗拿,後遇到阿龍索。 真是可憐 被兩個拉丁人玩弄感情... | ||||||||||||
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Vettel想來還不簡單~ 趕快讓阿龍嫂拿到第三冠,他老人家就不會想玩了~ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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一定要賺就是了😰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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話說回來,我有錢的話,想買的是HTC Desire HD😍 並非iPhone 4😴 | |||
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這個PO在寵物生活...😰 | |||
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好車 如果是1.8排氣量應該會大賣 | |||
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你是沒吃飽嗎😴😴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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這個版本要去哪看呀😊 | ||||||||||||
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問阿成😇 | |||
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對啊 無聊 爭什麼爭 笨蛋 除了1號其他沒人記得
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以後買蚵仔麵線,裡面沒加蚵仔的話可以告他嗎😇😇 | |||
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還有別的版本結局嗎?好想知道可以分享一下嗎? | ||||||||||||
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持續抵制韓貨 | |||
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那個手勢我寧願相信是: 俄國佬,你好樣的,擋得不錯喔 這樣🙂 | ||||||||||||
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抱歉! 我絕對不會輕視或鄙視任何身心障礙的人, 畢竟一個家庭裡若有這樣的親人, 也不是他們願意的! 文中並非針對真正身心障礙的人! 身為身心障礙的人已經很不幸了, 我怎忍心再鄙視他們! 😇 只是身為現在的台灣人有很大的無奈, 所以口氣會較為激憤! 我會改進滴! 謝謝你的提醒! 🙂 | ||||||||||||
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是台灣人就知道他講的不是這個意思😆其他的我沒有意見 | |||
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我們懂啊,但是我們只是路人無法向您致歉,只好喇賽。😇 | ||||||||||||
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最後這張是要給鄰居的 | |||
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😲😲😲 聽說連烤香腸的機車也順便騎走.....😩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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製做蛋糕的人該打屁股!!!!😡 應該是紅車頂怎麼做成黃色的 | |||
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老灰長是對了你作甚麼?😲 | ||||||||||||
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這麼狠!!!!😲 其中一定有誤會 | ||||||||||||
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一定是帳號被盜用😇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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別亂動啦😞不小心割到你抵抵別怪我事先沒跟你講😝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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😌我們不能橫著走了嗎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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喔 那你不知道 紅顏X水嗎?😇 你別還沒讓我們橫著走😌 自己先橫著被人扛出去😆 | ||||||||||||
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😌看在是朋友份上 我去找徐乃0要一了罐要給你 | ||||||||||||
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woo大的a380請4個空姐?? 您太小看他了喔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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他等下就來找你了 | ||||||||||||
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不敢碰水!!! 那就是了 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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都不知道我的用心良苦..😌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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~~~~~ 有Jessica 有好評😍~~~~~ | |||
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好家在 手沒跟Lewis牽在一起😆 | |||
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去國外唸書的女朋友勒?😌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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偶這樣馬西幾爸婚😊😊😊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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這樣"幾爸婚"捏😊 | ||||||||||||
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前面超過十公分 我檢舉了😆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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優卡又掛了??😞 | |||
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😞😞😞 | |||
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原來如此~~ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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MGP可以進前10有分就好 ALONSO可以進前三 VETTEL也是 😀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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如果是又晴又雨混亂的天氣 好像排位就不是那麼重要了 希望後排的可以殺上去 | |||
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最近出門一直在花錢 我這個月已經嚴重超支了😭得省點😩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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是壓力大嗎? 現在是鬼月😇 大學考試過去最常夢到的是 題目看完 填錯答案卷😰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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菲力你躺在那女的旁邊幹麻😞走開😡換我😠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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那女的口技不錯喔....😆 | ||||||||||||
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我很俗臘的😆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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要看內診那位😌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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😇等我... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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給誰吃阿?😇 | ||||||||||||
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叔叔好😊 | ||||||||||||