根據德國專業汽車雜誌Auto Motor und Sport 的報導,F1車隊們已經同意從明年賽季開始禁用輪圈整流罩。<br><br><br>2006年Ferrari車隊率先導入輪圈整流罩的概念並且逐漸盛行,然而這項裝置卻會導致超車變得更為困難。Williams車隊技術總監Sam Michael在七月就表示根據研究結果顯示,加裝輪圈蓋對於尾隨的後方車輛會造成不利的影響。<br><br><br>儘管如此,Michael仍警告說禁用輪圈整流罩並不會有神奇的功效,「那是屬於你需要找到三、四種像那樣的小東西,然後加總起來才會有產生差異。」Michael表示:「因此我認為那將會是正確的方向,但只是需要更多一點。」<br><br>轉自Racing net<br><br>==============================<br>本人對垃圾桶蓋只有一個印象<br><br>帥阿~
By Motorsport.com/GMM<br><br>Fernando Alonso will this week be confirmed as a Ferrari driver for 2010 and beyond, according to reports. <br><br>The German Auto Motor und Sport claims the deal will be announced by the Italian team on Thursday at the Suzuka circuit in Japan. <br><br>"It is a possibility, but it is not guaranteed," team boss Stefano Domenicali was quoted as saying by the Daily Telegraph in Britain, when asked if Ferrari's next driver lineup will be known in Japan. <br><br>The newspaper said lawyers were working hard in Singapore last weekend on the finer details of Kimi Raikkonen's release from his 2010 contract. <br><br>The Finn will reportedly return to his team of 2002-2006, with McLaren and Ferrari's mutual sponsor Santander involved in the financial details of the move. <br><br>Team boss Martin Whitmarsh was giving little away on Sunday, but he did admit that it is his job to field the best drivers possible, while admitting he has been disappointed with Lewis Hamilton's current teammate Heikki Kovalainen. <br><br>And the Briton is quoted as saying by Auto Motor und Sport: "We regard Kimi to be one of the biggest talents in the sport." <br><br>It is believed that Hamilton, as well as his father and manager Anthony, are not keen on the prospect of lining up with 29-year-old Raikkonen. <br><br>"At the moment I'm very happy with how things are in the team but we have to see what happens," said Hamilton. <br><br><br>有人可以大略翻譯一下嗎...好像是個大新聞(汗<br><br>Kimi真的要回邁凱倫嗎~~~
(英文原文:You know what? Whatever happens, if someone goes against the rules, they go against the rules. If I tell you to go rob a bank – afterwards, you decide whether to rob the bank or not。) "
(英文原文:You know what? Whatever happens, if someone goes against the rules, they go against the rules. If I tell you to go rob a bank – afterwards, you decide whether to rob the bank or not。)
新浪體育訊 <br><br> 重傷休養中的巴西車手菲利佩-馬薩已經開始考慮復出了,他甚至打趣稱舒馬赫去瓦倫西亞參賽之前應該先問問自己是否同意。本週三,巴西大獎賽主任醫療官透露了以上馬薩的最新傷情。<br><br> 在上週末F1匈牙利站被前車遺落彈簧重擊頭部的馬薩術後恢復神速。據巴西大獎賽主任醫療官迪諾-奧特曼(Dino Altman)透露,今天馬薩已經可以自己走路、吃東西、洗澡,他甚至打算趕於8月21日-23日在瓦倫西亞舉辦的歐洲大獎賽前傷癒復出。<br><br> 「菲利佩繼續康復著。他吃東西,在房間裡走步。他上午沖了個澡,跟正常人一樣,」奧特曼在布達佩斯AEK醫院門口對守候在那裡的媒體說到。「他的眼睛沒問題,很好。他正常吃飯。今天他正常的吃早餐,吃的是雞肉,一些營養酸奶,面包,奶酪,番茄和一些香蕉。」<br><br> 奧特曼稱,馬薩恢復過程中不需要做任何理療,因為他已沒有遺症,只需要恢復身體狀態。奧特曼透露,馬薩目前所想的就是盡快回到參賽狀態,爭取在三週後的歐洲大獎賽回到賽道上。<br><br> 「這是他所想的唯一一件事,是他堅持的想法。他完全不害怕。他認為他應該能在瓦倫西亞回到賽場。」奧特曼說到。<br><br> 當被問及舒馬赫復出的新聞馬薩聽之到後有什麼反應時,奧特曼回答,馬薩甚至開玩笑表示舒馬赫應該先問問自己是否同意。<br><br> 「他跟朋友和兄弟們說笑,」奧特曼說到。「他說他已經聽到了舒馬赫的新聞,他告訴我們說:『等著看是否我會讓他開車吧,因為我不會放棄(Let's see if I let him drive the car, because I won't give up)。』」<br><br> 奧特曼透露馬薩不久之後將出院回家,但是沒有說明是回摩納哥的住所還是巴西老家,這取決於馬薩的出院日期,不過他相信馬薩將在10天之內出院。<br><br> 當天下午,法拉利主席盧卡-迪-蒙特澤莫羅和FIA學院輪值主席傑拉德-塞蘭特(Gerard Saillant)也去醫院看望了馬薩,但是他們沒有接受媒體採訪。<br><br>=========================================<br>@@!!!!!MASSA雖然我很支持你但這個時間點我還是希望您好好躺著繼續吃香蕉休息一下吧謝謝!!!
Fernando Alonso認為,隊友在整個週末都沒有有效解決賽車調校的問題,卻在正式比賽中因為好運氣而上了頒獎台。「不,我沒有遇到問題,這是簡單的運氣因素。」Fernando Alonso賽後對一家西班牙媒體說到:「像我隊友這樣的人,他在整個週末都問題不斷、找不到應有的速度,突然因為Safety Car的出現讓他置身於頒獎台上。」